Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

This page will host materials from CS 4789/5789: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning taught by Sarah Dean at Cornell. See Spring 2022 and Spring 2023 pages for past materials. This course was first taught by Wen Sun in spring 2021.


no. Date Topic Materials
1 1/22 Introduction to RL Slides
2 1/24 Markov Decision Processes Slides
3 1/29 Dynamic Programming Slides
4 1/31 Infinite horizon discounted MDPs Slides
5 2/5 Value Iteration Slides
6 2/7 Policy Iteration Slides
7 2/12 Continuous Control & LQR Slides
8 2/14 Linear Control and Stability Slides
9 2/19 Local Approximations for Control Slides
10 2/21 Nonlinear Control Slides
2/26 February Break
11 2/28 Review for Exam Slides
3/4 Prelim Exam 1
12 3/6 Supervised Learning Slides
13 3/11 Fitted Value Iteration Slides
14 3/13 Fitted Policy Iteration Slides
15 3/18 Optimization Overview Slides
16 3/20 Policy Optimization Slides
17 3/25 Trust Regions Slides
18 3/27 Policy Optimization with Trust Regions Slides
4/1 Spring break
4/3 Spring break
4/8 Eclipse
4/10 Prelim Exam 2
19 4/15 Exploration in Multi-Armed Bandits Slides
20 4/17 Upper Confidence Bound Algorithm Slides
21 4/22 Contextual Bandits Slides
22 4/24 Exploration in MDPs Slides
23 4/29 Imitation Learning Slides
24 5/1 Inverse Reinforcement Learning Slides
25 5/6 Case Study: Alpha Go Slides