Machine Learning in Feedback Systems

This page presents lecture materials and calendar for CS 6784-002: Machine Learning in Feedback Systems taught by Sarah Dean at Cornell University in fall 2022.

The most up-to-date material and information can be accessed here (requires Cornell login).

Date no. Topic Materials
8/22 1 Overview & Supervised Learning Slides, Recording
8/24 2 Supervised Learning: Non-discrimination, least squares Slides, Recording
8/29 3 Online Learning via Online Convex Optimization Slides, Recording
8/31 4 Dynamical Systems: equilibria, stability, linear systems Slides, Recording 
9/5 No Meeting: Labor Day
9/7 5 Dynamical Systems: nonlinear stability, inputs, outputs Slides, Recording 
9/12 6 HSNL18 Fairness without demographics in repeated loss minimization
9/14 7 PZMDH20 Performative prediction
9/19 8 State Estimation Slides, Recording 
9/21 9 System Identification Slides, Recording
9/26 10 Guest Lecture by Max Simchowitz of MST+18 Learning Without Mixing Recording
9/28 11 TMP20 Sample complexity of Kalman filtering
10/3 12 Contextual Bandits: setting & estimation Slides, Recording
10/5 13 Contextual Bandits: low regret algorithms Slides, Recording
10/10 No Meeting: Fall Break
10/12 14 Optimal Control & Dynamic Programming Slides, Recording
10/17 15 Optimal Linear Control Slides, Recording
10/19 16 Model-Based RL & Robustness Slides, Recording
10/24 17 FGKM18 Global convergence of policy gradient methods
10/26 18 Guest Lecture by Stephen Tu: Learning from Many Trajectories Recording
10/31 19 KTR19 Finite time analysis of approximate policy iteration and IZY22 How to learn when data gradually reacts to your model
11/2 20 Safe Control Slides, Recording
11/7 21 Model Predictive Control Slides, Recording
11/9 22 Model Predictive Control Slides, Recording
11/14 23 RB17 Learning model predictive control for iterative tasks
11/16 24 DSA+20 Fairness is not static
11/21 25 FLD21 Algorithmic fairness and the situated dynamics of justice
11/23 No Meeting: Thanksgiving
11/28 26 JKL+20 Fair prediction with endogeneous behavior or LWH+20 The disparate equilibria of algorithmic decision making
11/30 27 ZCL+21 Towards content provider aware recommender systems
12/5 28 HJMR19 A geometric model of opinion polarization